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Press Features

PRESS | AWARDED British Dietetic Media Spokesperson of the Year 2017 Anna Daniels, has been a Media Spokesperson since 2015.

Anna is regularly asked to comment on the latest trends and possible fads, she has been featured in online and print articles, glossy magazines, and radio interviews along with multiple documentaries and Television shows. See below a snapshot of some of her contributions.


The Telegraph How to lose weight and keep it off for years to come

Celebrity Diets to avoid 2020 British Dietetic Association

The Daily Mail Dietitians reveal five of the wildest diets

The Daily Mail Secrets of Victoria Beckham’s youthful looks

The Guardian Spuds you like

Daily Mail  Trendy juice-only crash diets are ruining women’s health

Daily Mail Dangerous ‘trendy’ hangover cures and diets

The Telegraph  Superfoods debunked – and their cheaper and more effective alternatives revealed

The Telegraph Food  Should you really eat fat to stay slim? The new food rules explained

The Telegraph  Don’t scoff at the gluten free brigade, ‘coeliac lite’ could be a real thing

The Mirror The changing face of Britain’s fry ups

The Independent  Weight loss and health; 4 tips more useful than “move more”

Harrogate Advertiser Harrogate Best Friends through to next stage MKR

Daily Mail  Why giving up BREAD is half baked

Prima Magazine  Are ‘Superfoods’ really that good for you?

BBC Food Truth or Scare  Episode 5

Stylist Magazine  Headaches, bloating, insomnia? Which foods to eat to combat these five common ailments

Prima Magazine  Seriously, now Fruit is bad for us?

Daily Mail  Health gadgets just got madder, be do any of them actually work?

International Business Times  Dairy is in decline is coconut yoghurt the way forward?

Channel Four Supershoppers  Episode 1

The Daily Mail  Mum’s who put their babies on diets

Buzzfeed  Veganism! It’s good for the planet, and it’s good for animals.

Buzzfeed Here’s How to Eat Your Way Through A Hangover

BBC World  Why advice changes so much on what to eat

The Guardian  Ripe and Ready: How ‘evil geniuses’ got us hooked on avocados

Daily Mail   Could a clean Eating Christmas Dinner make you fat?

Daily Mail  How Nigella’s kitchen mittens could trigger rubber allergy

Daily Mail  New Years Eve drinks that won’t completely undo your good intentions

Huffington Post  Hidden Health Dangers of Kale

Daily Mail  Women who turn their breast milk into jewellery

Daily Mail  Revealed what makes the PM’s Pringles so highly addictive

Metro  Why you should be eating your Banana peel

Buzzfeed  I gave up sugar for two months and heres what happened

Daily Mail  Would you try Hugh’s crispy fish skeletons?

BBC Radio Cambridgeshire  The growing trend in gluten free and is it healthy?

BBC Radio Cambridgeshire   Is Black Pudding really the new Superfood?

International Business Times  Black Pudding: Is it really a Superfood?


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